Prep Time
25 minutes
Cook Time
75 minutes
Clifford Luu
For those that don’t like a traditional Christmas cake with dried fruits, this spiced Gingerbread Pound cake is an excellent alternative for the festive season. I’ve even added the option to “spike” it with cheeky brandy syrup for anybody that wants to give it a real kick.
This recipe will make enough to fill 2 x 15cm (6”) round tins or 2kgs of batter (1kg per tin)
375g unsalted butter, completely melted
450g caster / granulated sugar
360g (6-8) large eggs, room temperature
450g plain flour, sifted
200g Greek Yoghurt, room temperature
225g Treacle (or similar)
¾ tsp baking powder
¾ tsp baking soda
¾ teaspoon salt
3 tsp ground ginger
1½ tsp ground cinnamon
½ teaspoon ground nutmeg
½ teaspoon of cardamom
125g Sugar
125ml Brandy of choice
1 teaspoon of vanilla bean / vanilla extract
Cheeky Brandy Syrup (Optional)
To bake the cake:
Using your non-stick spray, apply the spray to the insides of all your tins
Take out your baking paper and scissors to line the tin.
Preheat your oven to 160 degrees Celsius/320 degrees Fahrenheit.
Place the flour, baking powder, salt and spices in a medium bowl and whisk together with the whisk attachment. Set aside.
Using the whisk attachment, add the eggs into the mixer bowl medium speed. Add sugar into the egg mixture and continue to whisk until combined.
Turn the mixer on low speed and leave it on, add butter, yoghurt and treacle until combined.
Turn off your mixer and release the bowl from the mixer. Place the bowl onto your bench and, using the spatula, fold in the dry ingredients.
Spoon the batter into the tin, and fill it to approximately ¾ of the tin height (or weight approximately 1kg per tin. Bang the pan onto the counter to even out the batter and remove air bubbles.
Check the temperature of the inside of the oven with the oven thermometer and ensure it is at 160 degrees Celsius/320 degrees Fahrenheit before you place your cake tin inside.Place the tin inside the hot oven.
As a starting point, bake for 1 hour. After an hour has passed, open the oven door and place a skewer into the middle of the cake and check if it comes out clean. If it doesn’t, bake for longer in 5-8 minute increments, checking each time with the skewer to see if it comes out clean. Record how long it takes for you to bake and record it for future bakes.
Take the cakes out of the oven and let the cake cool in the tin for a few minutes before removing the cake from the tin to allow it to finish cooling on a cooling rack.
Take out the cling wrap, wrap your cakes completely, twice, and store your cakes in the freezer until you require them.
Cheeky Brandy Syrup (Optional)
In a small pot, combined the honey and vanilla on a low to medium heat, stirring until it comes to boil.
Add brandy and heat a further 3 minutes until thick or reduced by half. Remove from heat and leave to cool.
Once the cake has cooled down and cut into layers, use a pastry brush to apply the brandy syrup on each cake layer.
Recipe Note
Resource Link: Baking Troubleshooting
Tags cake gingerbread pound cake